Help 4 Ukrainians to Learn English
Buy them books and English lessons

Help Four Ukrainians to Arrange a New Life

Four Ukrainians. Two mothers and two 14 yo children: a boy and a girl. Let's help them learn English well in a short time. In this way, we will help them arrange a new life they need to start.

I brought four people from Korczowa near Ukraine border: two mothers and two 14 yo teenagers from Kharkiv. It is really moving when you see a mother with a 14 yo child whose entire property fits into one small backpack and one medium-sized sport bag.

The ladies are very active. Olga has already found some source of a small income - she teaches Ukrainian children maths on-line. Tetiana, who has experience in horticulture, noticed that many of the gardens in the area were neglected and distributed advertisements that she would be happy to put them in order and/or care for them. All this a few days after they were shot at. They certainly do not lack commitment, activity and the will to survive.

Similarly, Iryna and Nikyta. Not only do they continue their online learning that the refugee community has organized, but they also learn intensively English from the modest materials I had at home.





The State of Affairs

The four people from Ukraine are living at my house. For food, I buy the essentials (meat, flour, groats, etc.) and they buy things like lettuce and milk (which I don’t eat at all! 🙂).

I have purchased decent air mattresses (that look like beds when inflated) for them to sleep on, towels, flip-flops and other small items. My best friend and his wife bought bedding. It makes a big difference that they can have a shower and clean sheets and towels.

To make a long and frightening story short, they currently have a safe place to live and food to eat. Of course, they are still under a lot of stress, since their husbands/fathers have stayed in Ukraine to fight for their freedom against Russian oppression. They cry every night, and when the helicopters fly to the hospital near me, the girls shutter. But overall, they feel better that they are safe and sound in my place.

The Idea

In order to survive and thrive, they need to get a decent job and get their new lives in order, whether it is in Poland, or back in Ukraine where their homes have been destroyed. In order to do that, they will need a good command of the English language. When someone studies four hours daily, under the guidance of a good teacher, progress is evident. I think that within six months, they will be able to master English at the B2 level.

Resources Needed

Here are the resources needed for success:

Already taken care of:

  1. Two computers
  2. Stable internet connection
  3. Netflix for watching movies in English
  4. Some books to learn
  5. Two desks and chairs

What we need:

  1. Simplified literature in English
    See: Gift books
  2. Preparation books for B1 and B2 exams
    See: Gift books
  3. Lessons with a native speaker on
    See: Gift English Lessons
  4. Some less important little stuff, such as desk lamps
    I added to the list of books because there is not many of them and I decided that there is no point in creating a separate list. So see: Gift books


Thank you to the following people who have helped with our Ukrainian guests.:

My best friend and his wife

who bought quilts and bedding at short notice so that our friends could quickly sleep in relative comfort.

My another good friend,

who organized a collection of clothes, cosmetics and other items, and who offered his personal assistance.

Mr. Rafał Wenta from AGRAF (

who offered a significant discount on our new mattresses, and added additional small gifts.

Women from Tchibo in Blue City Mall in Warsaw

who gave us a discount on towels

And all the people who have helped me and my guests survive andrebuild during this terrible war.


Krzysztof Hryniewiecki

ul. Wierchów 5
04-653 Warszawa

Delivery Address

Olga Kladov
ul. Wierchów 5
04-653 Warszawa
tel. +48 721 437 609