Gift Books

A person quickly learns a foreign language when s/he reads in this language what is attractive to her/him. Therefore, the English-language literature in the version adapted to the level of the student is very helpful.

The list of books is below. You need a password to access it. The password is: Qwerty! (the exclamation point is part of the password). I also added lamps and other office trinkets to this list, because there are not many of them and I decided that there is no point in creating a separate list. (password: Qwerty!)

Choose books you want to donate and reserve them. Next to the book's title you can find internet bookstores where you can buy the book. You can also purchase at any other bookstore.

The booking procedure is not the most convenient, because you must provide your details when booking each book (unfortunately, I have not found a better free website to handle the gift list). When booking, you can decide if you want your e-mail address to be disclosed to other donors.

If you want to remain anonymous, enter fake data in the "Rezerwujący" field. What you enter in this field will be visible to all donors. If you enter fictitious data or do not provide your e-mail address, please send information about what you bought to Olga:

The Ukrainians want to thank you for your help, and without this data they will not be able to.

After you've booked a book, you'll receive a confirmation email (and a link to cancel your booking, in case you haven't been able to buy the book you've selected).

Then just buy the books, remembering to provide the shipping address when ordering:

Olga Kladova
ul. Wierchów 5
04-653 Warszawa
phone number for the courier: +48 721 437 609
Thank you